
Cogs 138 Sp23

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Frequently Asked Questions

Click the links in the topics column to download pdf of lecture notes.

Current week is highlighted in yellow. Topics may change slightly (or order of topics).

Week Lecture # Date Topics Description Section topics Assignments
wk1 1 4/4 Introductory lecture and welcome to COGS138! None this week Assigned: Readings/survey-quiz1, Assignment 0 assigned
wk1 2 4/6

Programming, python, juypter notebooks

wk2 3 4/11 MNE, NLTK, EEG/MEG analysis Previous week review, assignment 0/1, getting all the machinery working

Assigned: Reading 1 assigned

Assigned: Lecture 3 - class survey/quiz

wk2 4 4/13 MOCAP, PyMO, Eye tracking, Data science questions   DUE 4/15: Assignment 0 due Friday at 11:59pm PST
wk3 5 4/18 Questions, LISC, BIDS, NWB, DANDI Lectures, Reading 1, A1, BIDS, NWB, DANDI setup Assignment 1 Assigned, Due Tues 4/25 at 11:59pm
wk3 6 4/20 NWB, BIDS, DANDI, OpenNeuro, Git, Github, Version control   Reading 1 quiz Due Fri 4/28 at 11:59pm
wk4 7 4/25 Data structures, wrangling, data cleaning (part 1) previous week lecture review, Assignment 2 overview, LISC, group formation and signup  
wk4 8 4/27 More on data cleaning, Visualization review - choosing plot types, plot options, modules in python  

Assigned: R2 due Fri 5/5 at 11:59pm

Assigned: Lecture Quiz wk1-2 due Fri 5/5 at 11:59pm

wk5 9 5/2 Outlier detection, data cleaning part 2, more on visualization of neural data, statistical data analysis Lecture review, A2  
wk5 10 5/4    
wk6 11 5/9 Relating statistics to neural data science, AC/DC, filtering theory (LP, HP, Notch, Bandpass), central tendency, variability, covariance, correlation Previous week review, groups, reading 2 review

Due: R2 extended to Tuesday 5/9 at midnight

Due: Lecture quiz extended to Tuesday 5/9 at midnight

Due: A2 extended to 5/9 at midnight

Assigned: In class survey/quiz (before) here due Friday at midnight

Assigned: After class survey/quiz (after) here due Friday at midnight

wk6 12 5/11

Time series, sampling, aliasing, filtering, signal processing continued, scientific visualization

  Assigned: A3 due SUNDAY 5/21 at midnight (EXTENDED)
wk7 13 5/16 Connectionist paradigms and modeling, single cell recording, high density recording, spike sorting, intro to neuropixels and other technologies    
wk7 14 5/18 Helping you maximize your learning in the class  

Assigned: Project proposal

Assigned: Previous project review

Assigned: Mid-quarter and grade check-ins

wk8 15 5/23 Class workshop, organization - remaining assignments, project plan and heterogeneous datasets    
wk8 16 5/25      
wk9 17 5/30 Single trial analysis, class workshop  

Assigned: Project data checkpoint Due Friday Extended to Saturday 11:59pm

Assigned: Lecture quiz week 5-6

Assigned: Reading R4 Due Sat 11:59pm

wk9 18 6/1 Hypothesis development, neural data science question development, project discussion and workshop  
wk10 19 6/6      
wk10 20 6/8 Final lecture, course review, thesis, final project and checkpoint info, careers, where to go from here