
Cogs 138 Sp23

Frequently Asked Questions


Handout name/# Description   Handout name/# Description
 Introduction to Matlab. Covers the basics from running Matlab to matrix manipulation and graphing A3_code_supplement.ipynb Some important code was stripped out when generating the release version and slipped by our testing procedure. We will correct this in the future, but for this assignment please add the code from this file to your Q8 and Q10 in Assignment 3
 A review and reference of the greek alphabet, mathematical symbols and operators which you will likely need for this course or in the future! presentation_guide.pdf A guide, instructions and information about the final project presentations
 Review of mathematics relevant to this course (will continue to be updated throughout the quarter)   A4 tutorial linked to the canvas download location
A brief history from the roots of computational machines and automata to modern times, linking philosophy, mechanical engineering, mathematics, and cognitive science      
A fairly useful online html book to read about neural networks and applications to learning, automata, pattern recognition, etc. Specific readings are assigned from a few sections of this book      
A brief history from the roots of computational machines and automata to modern times, linking philosophy, mechanical engineering, mathematics, and cognitive science      
Introduces neural networks, and goes further with the topics presented here.      
 It is highly recommended that you learn how to create Latex (pronounced 'lay-tech') documents. Here are a couple of tutorial introductions (pdf's)      
 Scientific visualization and communication are important to understand and incorporate into whatever career you take.      


Note: No textbooks are required at this time, however there will be weekly PDF handouts, lecture notes, online books and tutorials assigned as reading. There will also be a few recommended texts.

Other References

Many of these books may have newer editions. The most up to date is often useful.