
Cogsci 109 FA07

Frequently Asked Questions

Assignment # Description Additional Handouts/Reading Due Date Points
Assignment_1: reading listed to the right Math review/warmup and introduction to matlab

The matlab pdf is quick reading, so it goes by fast. If you have access to Matlab from home, it helps to follow along with the reading, otherwise you could go to a computer lab with matlab installed (CSB115) - we will go over how to run matlab remotely (ie from a computer which does not have matlab installed, but has an internet connection and a login account)

Mon, Oct. 1, 2007 --
Assignment_2.pdf Math review (Review and perform as many problems as you can. If you cannot do a group of problems, review material from that section. The review is divided into different areas of math with reading references given for each)
  • Math review chapter - provides an overview of the mathematics you should know (or at least be familiar with) for this course.

Oct. 8, 2007

50 pts total for turning in efforts for 3 problems from each section (a total of 12 problems must be attempted. Must show work. 5 bonus points possible for completing all problems with over 80% correct
Assignment_3 - reading Reading to extend lecture discussion of fourier transforms, discretization and sampling. This also includes some application and limitations of methods discussed, as well as other methods Mon, Oct. 15, 2007 --
Basic visualization, code optimization, and filtering
  • please first read the chapter from Dan Olphe's computer graphics book on color theory, downloadable from the handouts section
Mon, Oct. 22, 2007 100 pts, 5 bonus points possible
Assignment_4.pdf Least squares, histograms, and statistics Wed, Nov. 14, 2007  100 pts, 10 bonus points possible
Assignment_5 - reading Reading - applications of interpolation. Peruse the papers, read the chapter carefully (at least intro, 7.1 and 7.5, but it is suggested you read all of the chapter) Mon, Nov. 19, 2007 --
Assignment5.pdf Using modeling and data analysis methods to improve communication Be sure to read Assignment_5a reading Mon., Nov. 26, 2007 55 pts., 5 bonus points possible
Assignment_6a - reading --
Assignment_6b - reading Methods of gradient descent, conjugate gradient, and related info Fri., Nov. 30, 2007 --
Assignment_6.pdf MIKE - modeling a new life form's behavior using optimization and function fitting (matlab gradient descent, with error analysis) Due by Sat. night 12/15/07 12midnight 100 pts., 10 bonus points possible
Please read the following Material from this reading will be on the final (Before 12/12/07) --
Assignment_7.pdf This assignment consists of you finding a paper that interests you which is related to Neural Networks, reading it and writing a short 1-2page paper THIS IS SKIPPED, AND WILL BE SUGGESTED READINGS ONLY FOR AFTER THE CLASS TO CONTINUE YOUR LEARNING (FOR THOSE INTERESTED) -- 50 pts, 5 bonus pts. automatic for turning in assignment!!!
homework7-takehome.pdf Final assignment/takehome section of final - this gives you an opportunity to think carefully about the questions and provide responses you may not have time for on a final Due by Sat. night 12/15/07 12midnight 200 pts, 15 bonus pts