Contents: | Heuristics - Heuristic Search - Best-First Search - Hill Climbing |
Minimizing Cost - A* Search - Other Search Techniques |
The idea of a "heuristic" is a technique which sometimes will work,
but not always. It is sort of like a rule of thumb. Most of what we
do in our daily lives involves heuristic solutions to problems. They
usually work, or they usually work well enough, an when they don't
work, we then deal with that.
We often use the word "heuristic" not just to describe cases where a solution might not be found, but to describe cases where we want to find the best solution (according to some way to measure bestness). A heuristic might help us to find solutions which are good, but perhaps not the very best they can be. This is the idea of heuristics that we will talk about today. Obviously the measure of goodness, and the assessment of a heuristic technique, is going to be relative to the domain, and to the specific job that problem solving is going to be applied to in that domain.
As an example of a heuristic, consider the problem of driving across the country. If you think of each city as a "state" in this problem domain, and each highway connecting cities as an "operator" that can be applied, we can treat this problem in terms of the model of a problem space.
Suppose that for some reason you are in Omaha, Nebraska and you are driving to Boston, Massachusetts. You have to choose which highway to take out of town. Here is a map of your options (from MapBlast):
A Depth-First search might be even worse - you might end up considering roads out of Denver before any of the ways around Chicago.
Clearly what you want to do in this case is to consider roads that at least head north or east, that go roughly towards Boston. This is a heuristic because it might be the case that you will have to choose roads sometime that don't go directly towards your goal. For example when you get to Chicago you will have to head south for a while, to get around Lake Michigan. Still it is a lot better than heading into South Dakota.
Suppose that instead of knowing that Boston is north and east of Omaha, you know the distance from each city in the country to Boston. You have the following information:
Omaha to Boston: 1463 miles Kansas City to Boston: 1437 miles Wichita to Boston: 1627 miles Chicago to Boston: 1015 miles Souix City to Boston: 1570 miles
This table can help you decide which route to choose. Clearly it doesn't make a lot of sense to head towards Wichita or Souix City, given that they are both further from Boston than Omaha is. Heading to Kansas City gets you a bit closer, but if you take I-80 to Chicago, you will be much closer.
So another heuristic in the driving domain is to choose the highway that takes you to the city that is closest to your goal. Again this won't always work, and for the same reasons: mountains and lakes and canyons and tornadoes can make what might otherwise seem to be the shortest route less attractive.
So the general idea of a heuristic search can be illustrated with this modified version of the general search algorithm:
states = make_empty_bag () add_to_bag (initial_state, states) loop: if is_empty (bag) FAIL else: state = remove_from_bag (bag) if achieves_goal (new_state) SUCCEED for each op in operators: if op_applies (op, state) new_state = apply_op (op, state) add_to_bag (new_state, states) sort_states_by_heuristic_value ()After the new states are added to the bag, the contents of the bag are sorted so that those states for which the heuristic estimate of the distance to the goal is lowest are near the front. The state with the lowest estimate distance will be at the front and will be the next state removed from the bag and have operators applied to it.
In fact, sorting the entire contents of the bag is not always
necessary. One could also implement the remove_from_bag
operator to find the state whose heuristic estimate is lowest and
remove that one from the bag.
The name "Hill Climbing" comes from the idea that you are trying to find the top of a hill, and you go in the direction that is up from wherever you are. This technique often works, but since it only uses local information, it can be fooled.
Consider hiking in a dense fog. If you can only see a few feet around you, you couldn't tell whether you are at the top of the biggest hill, or on some other, shorter, peak, like this fellow:
Hill climbing search works well (and is fast, and takes little memory) if an accurate heuristic measure is available in the domain, and if there are now local maxima.
Best-First search can fall into the same traps as Hill-Climbing, but can get out of them, because it keeps track of the other states. So it may be fooled for a while and head towards local minima or maxima, but it will ultimately back out of them and head towards the global goal.
In some cases it is desired to find a solution that minimizes some other measure of the "cost" of a solution other than just the number of operators in the sequences. For example, each operator could take a different amount of time, and we want to find the fastest solution, or the operators have literal costs, like if you want to buy a set of components for a new stereo or computer. In the driving domain, it is often desired to find a route that takes the minimum time, or covers the least total distance, not necessarily the one that travels on the smallest number of different roads.
To see how to design a search to find the minimum cost solution to a problem, consider a different way to implement Breadth-First search. Suppose that instead of the queue idea discussed in the last lecture, we use the sorting algorithm described above, except that the heuristic value that we use to sort the states is equal to the number of operators that were applied to get to them.
If we sort the states this way, we will have all of the states that are in, for example, level 1 of the tree sorted before any of the states that are in level 2, and so forth. But that means that the requirements for a search to be a Breadth-First search are satisfied.
Now sorting the list of states to implement a Breadth-First search is sort of a waste, because the queue idea allows for much faster implementation, but it leads to a simple generalization of Breadth-First search that will find the minimal cost solution with any cost measure:
The "heuristic" value associated with each state is the total cost of the sequence of operators that led to the state. If we sort the states according to this value, we will be guaranteed to examine states in such a way that the first solution we find will be the solution with the minimum cost.
To see why this is true, suppose that the minimum cost is Cmin. Since states are sorted according to their cost, and since (we assume) each operator has either a zero or positive cost, we will examine every state with cost Cmin before we examine any state with any greater cost. Since, by assumption, the minimum cost solution has cost Cmin, we will find it before any solution with a higher cost.
This approach to finding solutions with minimum cost has the same problems as Breadth-First search: It is not "guided" towards the goal at all. It is as likely to examine paths on the road to goal states as it is likely to waste its time examining totally irrelevant paths.
To see how A* works, consider using the following quantity as the heuristic value H(state) for a given state:
H(state) = Cost(state) + Estimate(state)
Cost(state) = actual cost incurred in reaching the state
Estimate(state) = estimate of cost needed to get from state to goal
In Best-First search and Hill Climbing, the estimate of the distance to the goal was used alone as the heuristic value of a state. In A*, we add the estimate of the remaining cost to the actual cost needed to get to the current state.
To prove that A* search will find the minimal cost solution, if one exists, we need to show that it will consider the solution with the minimal cost before it considers any states with higher cost. If this can be proved, then it follows that A* will find the lowest cost solution.
Suppose, as above, that the minimal cost solution has cost Cmin. We need to show that A* will only examine states with cost less than Cmin before it examines any with greater cost. In the following diagram, I have shown two sequences of states in a search space. One, involving the states S1 and S2, is, we shall assume, the minimal cost solution, and has cost Cmin. The other, involving the states S3 and S4, has some other cost, Calt, which is greater than Cmin, and has not yet found a solution.
To assure that this will happen, it must be the case that:
Cost(S4) + Estimate(S4) > Cost(S2) + Estimate(S2)But we know that the cost of S4 is Calt, so this would mean that:
Calt + Estimate(S4) > Cost(S2) + Estimate(S2)We assumed that Calt > Cmin, so if it is the case that
Cost(S2) + Estimate(S2) <= Cminthen there is no way that state S4 could be expanded before S2 is, no matter what value that Estimate(S4) has (even if it is zero).
Let us use Actual(state) to represent the actual distance from state to a goal. For state S2, we know that:
Cost(S2) + Actual(S2) = Cmin
So to ensure that state S2 will be expanded before any states that would led to a more costly solution, it is necessary to have a way to estimate the distance to the goal such that:
Estimate(state) <= Actual(state)That is: The heuristic estimate of the distance from the state to the goal must be less than or equal to the actual minimal distance from that state to the goal. If it is, then A* search is guaranteed to find the minimal cost solution.
One way that Estimate(state) could be less than Actual(state) would be if Estimate(state) is always zero. In that case we have the minimal cost based search described above. It too will find the minimal cost solution, but is not guaranteed to find it in any reasonable amount of time.
The A* search technique combines being "guided" by knowledge about where good solutions might be (the knowledge is incorporated into the Estimate function), while at the same time keeping track of how costly the whole solution is.
One domain in which it is possible to find an estimate function that satisfies the requirement above happens to be the driving domain. The straight-line distance between two points will always be less than or equal to the distance it actually takes you to drive between those two points. And in fact A* was designed to find optimal solutions to navigation problems. But there are other domains in which heuristic estimate functions that satisfy the above constraint can be found, and A* has been applied to them also.
Beam Search
The idea of a "beam search" is to only keep a fraction of the total
queue. The idea is that you just keep around those states that are
relatively good, and just forget the rest. This is a sort of
expansion of hill-climbing: instead of just keeping one state around,
you keep several. This can avoid some local optima, but not always.
It is most useful when the search space is big and the local optima
aren't too common. (The "genetic algorithm" is sort of a beam
Two-Way Search
In this technique, you make two separate searches, one from the
initial state forwards towards the solution, and the other from the
solution backwards towards the initial state. Any of the techniques
above can be incorporated, except that now you have two searches, and
you want to bring them together. If you have a way to estimate the
distance between two states, you can now choose to expand those states
which are closest to each other. Even with no heuristics, two way
search can be faster than Breadth-First search, because of the
exponential growth of the search space.
As I discussed before, the size of the search space grows roughly as 2n where n is the depth of the space (and there are only two operators), and the total number of nodes in the space up to that level is 2n+1-1.
So to find a solution that requires the application of 4 operators, a total of 31 states might have to be examined by a Breadth-First search.
On the other hand, two Breadth-First searches, that meet halfway, would each have to examine just 7 states, for a total of 14 states. As the solutions get longer, the ratio between the number of states explored by a single one-direction search, and two Two-Way searches decreases rapidly, and so this is a good idea if the domain is such that it can be applied.
Island Search
The idea of "Island Search" is to first locate intermediate states
that you know will be part of the final solution, and then search
between those states. If there are enough such islands, the search
between them will be relatively short and easy. The islands might be
found by another search process, in a more abstract space. For
example, you might first find a solution that involves steps like
"remove muffler bearing", "install generator". Once you have found such a
solution, you can then figure out how to do the tasks. This approach
works well when the operators can be separated -- when doing one
doesn't affect the results of many others.