Papers, conferences, and talks

C. Alex Simpkins

Charles A. Simpkins. A how-to tutorial for basic texture mapping using OpenGL. September 2003.

download pdf

download files (texture.c texture.h)

mac zip windows zip

Charles A. Simpkins. Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion, and how to connect a serially interfaced A/D chip to a microprocessor. January 2005.


Product description and instructions for the A&C Motor Driver, v1.0. A project I developed while a Teaching Assistant for MAE156A in 2005. It is a Pulse Width Modulation-based motor controller which is capable of controlling up to 9 DC motors, or multiple DC motors and stepper motors. It is robust, inexpensive, simple to use and build. The A&C Motor Driver has a simple serial interface, requiring only two wires to communicate with any computer or microprocessor capable of TTL line levels (5V and <20mA).

Charles A. Simpkins. Design, analysis and construction of a multiple - pulse width modulated motor driver for educational and light industrial applications. July 2006. (Manuscript under review)

Design of a novel algorithm for a pwm motor driver multiple - pulse width modulated motor driver for educational and light industrial applications. (Manuscript under review)

2008 ACC:

Simpkins, de Callafon, and Todorov. "Optimal trade-off between exploration and exploitation," Proceedings of the ACC 2008, The 27th American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, 2008.

Poster for UCSD JSOE Graduate Symposium:

Simpkins, Todorov and de Callafon (2007), A Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control Model of Active Exploration

Poster for Cosyne Conference

Todorov and Simpkins (2007), Optimality of Active Sensing

Poster for NSF TDLC presentation

Simpkins and Todorov (2007), Learning at the optimal time, Modeling active exploration with dynamic feedback control

UCSD CSSA 2007 Conference "When things go wrong" (Talk)

Simpkins (2007), Stability: How it relates to why things go wrong and what can be done about it

14th Southern California Nonlinear Control Workshop (Presentation)

Simpkins (2007), Optimal tradeoff between exploration and exploitation in human movement

Poster for UCSD JSOE Graduate Symposium:

Simpkins, Todorov and de Callafon (2008), Active exploration: modeling humans in exploration/exploitation sensorimotor tasks using stochastic optimal control

Submitted, manuscript under review (comments welcome)

Simpkins, Liu, and Todorov (2008). Stochastic optimal control methods for uncertain predictive reaching movements

Poster for NSF TDLC presentation

Simpkins and Todorov (2008), Learning at the optimal time, Modeling active exploration with dynamic feedback control (II)

My PhD dissertation

Simpkins (2009), Exploratory studies of human sensorimotor learning with system identification and stochastic optimal control

simpkinsthesis (PDF)
IEEE International Symposium of adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning, 2009 (ADPRL)

Simpkins and Todorov, Practical numerical methods for stochastic optimal control of biological systems in continuous time and space, IEEE International Symposium of adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning, Nashville, 2009.





Simpkins, Kelley, and Todorov, Design and control of biologically inspired modular robots for
locomotion, manipulation, and virtual reality interaction.
(Manuscript under review)
Simpkins, The journey that lies ahead: What to expect during the path a graduate student must walk. (Seminar) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego, 2009. talk.pdf
Many more on the way (check back soon!)...