Turn in procedures

important updates:


You will be turning in your homework by a three stage process:


  1. First you must clean your project. With your project open in visual C++, go to the menu-bar at the top, select build-clean.

  2. Now your project is ready to be compressed into a zip file. This preserves all of the names of the files, which occasionally get truncated during moves across platforms. Open the zip program in windows XP. If you are working from home you probably have a compression utility on your hard drive which can create .ZIP files. Zip your entire project folder into one file, name it your "username_prj1.zip." This is important, because the homework collection script will not collect your homework if it is not named correctly.

  3. Use secure FTP to login to the iacs5 server using the following in each field:

Server name:
User name :
your username (ie me152##)

Once you have filled out these fields, click the CONNECT button in order to log into your server space.

You will be presented with a list of files. These are the files in your directory in iacs5 (there may be few if any if this is your first login). The directory which you default to (ie the list you see) is the one to put the file in. Use the PUT button, or drag the zip file into the file list window, and your program will be copied into place. Be sure to use the binary mode option (the other possibility is text mode) to insure a correct copy is made. If you leave the default automatic mode, look at the information presented as the file is uploaded, because it will inform you as to whether the file is copied as binary or text. Again, it must be copied as binary.

DONE. Now go watch a movie with alot of 3d graphics in it and try to guess how they did it.