MAE 152 -- Fall Quarter 2003


This page was last updated: 9/10/03

  1. What include files do I need? At the top of your program, include:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <GL/gl.h>
    #include <GL/glu.h>
    #include <GL/glut.h>
    #include <GL/glui.h>
    #ifdef WIN32
    #include <windows.h>
    const float M_PI = { 3.14159265 };

  2. What are the possible arguments to glBegin() and what do they mean?

  3. How does the Mouse Button callback work?

    The Mouse Button callback gets called with the button that was moved, whether it went up or down, and the x and y coordinate of the mouse when it happened. The y coordinate is with respect to the top of the window, not the bottom.) Generally, you simply keep track of the state of the buttons and return. If you are doing any sort of picking, you figure out here what has been picked, so that the Mouse Motion callback can change the proper thing.

    	int button,		/* GLUT_*_BUTTON			*/
    	int state,		/* GLUT_UP or GLUT_DOWN			*/
    	int x, int y		/* where mouse was when button hit	*/
    	int b;			/* LEFT, MIDDLE, or RIGHT		*/
    	int vdx, vdy;		/* size of window			*/
    	vdx = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH );
    	vdy = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT );
    	/* get the proper button bit mask:				*/
    	switch( button )
    		case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON:
    			b = LEFT;		break;
    			b = MIDDLE;		break;
    			b = RIGHT;		break;
    			b = 0;
    			fprintf( stderr, "Unknown mouse button: %d\n", button );
    	/* button down sets the bit, up clears the bit:			*/
    	if( state == GLUT_DOWN )
    		ActiveButton |= b;		/* set the proper bit	*/
    		ActiveButton &= ~b;		/* clear the proper bit	*/

  4. How does the Mouse Motion callback work?

    The Mouse Motion callback is called with the new mouse coordinates after the movement occured. The y coordinate is with respect to the top of the window, not the bottom.) If you have already picked something, you can use this information to change it.

    MouseMotion( int x, int y )
    	int vdx, vdy;		/* size of window			*/
    	vdx = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH );
    	vdy = glutGet( GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT );
    	y = vdy - y;
    	if( ActiveButton & LEFT )
    		. . .
    	. . .
    	glutSetWindow( TopWindow );

  5. How do I create menus in GLUT?

    You setup the menu structures in InitGraphics()

    	SegMenu = glutCreateMenu( DoSegMenu );
    	glutAddMenuEntry( "Large",  FINE );
    	glutAddMenuEntry( "Small",  CRUDE );
    	CurveMenu = glutCreateMenu( DoCurveMenu );
    	glutAddMenuEntry( "Bezier",  BEZIER );
    	glutAddMenuEntry( "Fitted",  CUBIC );
    	glutAddMenuEntry( "Parabloic Blend",  PARABOLIC_BLEND );
    	ParabolaMenu = glutCreateMenu( DoParabolaMenu );
    	glutAddMenuEntry( "Off",  FALSE );
    	glutAddMenuEntry( "On",  TRUE );
    	/* initialize the pop-up menus:					*/
    	MainMenu = glutCreateMenu( DoMainMenu );
    	glutAddSubMenu( "Curve Type", CurveMenu );
    	glutAddSubMenu( "# of Line Segments", SegMenu );
    	glutAddSubMenu( "Sub-Parabolas", ParabolaMenu );
    	glutAddMenuEntry( "Quit",  QUIT );
    	/* attach the pop-up menu to the right mouse button:		*/
    	glutAttachMenu( GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON );

    This defines the menus and specifies that the right button will pop them up. All those calls to glutCreateMenu() declare a callback routine to handle this menu. The callback routine will be given the second argument from the glutAddMenuEntry that was selected. It is up to your callback routine to do the right thing with it and then post a redisplay:

    /* # line segments to use for the curve:				*/
    #define FINE	50
    #define CRUDE	15
    /* curve types:								*/
    #define BEZIER		0
    #define CUBIC		1
    #define PARABOLIC_BLEND	2
    /* global variables:							*/
    int	CurveType;			/* CUBIC, BEZIER, PARABOLIC_BLEND */
    int	NSegments;			/* # line segments		*/
    int	ActiveButton;		/* current button that is down		*/
    int	CurveMenu;		/* id of the curve pop-up menu		*/
    int	MainMenu;		/* id of the main pop-up menu		*/
    int	ParabolaMenu;		/* id of the parabola pop-up menu	*/
    int	SegMenu;		/* id of the segment pop-up menu	*/
    void	DoCurveMenu( int );
    void	DoMainMenu( int );
    void	DoParabolaMenu( int );
    void	DoSegMenu( int );
    DoCurveMenu( int value )
    	CurveType = value;
    	glutSetWindow( TopWindow );
    DoMainMenu( int value )
    	switch( value )
    		case RESET:
    		case QUIT:
    			break;	/* never returns -- "don't need to do this" */
    DoSegMenu( int value )
    	NSegments = value;
    	glutSetWindow( TopWindow );

  6. Where do I find the OpenGL man pages? Ping:

  7. Where do I find the GLUT documentation? Ping:

  8. Where do I find the GLUI documentation? Ping: