1. Male, Female (1 or 2)
2. Coke, Pepsi, water, coffee (1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
3. Shoe size
4. # of pairs of shoes
5. Height (in inches)
6. Age
7. Average time you wake up (format: hr (0-24):minute)
8. Average time you go to sleep
9. Average # of classes per quarter
10.  Month of Birth
11.  Day of birth
12.  How many pets do you have?
13.  How many pets have you ever had?
14.  # Years since started undergrad
15.  What age did you first use the internet?
16.  How many Hrs per week on HW?
17.  How many Hrs per week on TV?
18.  Pick a random # between 1 and 100
19.  How long does it take you to get from home to class?
20.  What is the most random # between 1 and 100?
21.  Is the glass half full? Half empty? (1 or 2)

%.....end of survey...

you do not need to write the questions in the text file, it should look like this:

2, 4, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 2

and be sure to name the file 'Cogs109Survey2_yourpidhere.txt'